
What ICanBeGreen is

ICanBeGreen was born from informal discussions by U1166-ICAN members sensitized to the issues of reducing the footprint of research activities within laboratories, initiated by the collective of laboratories 1point5 (https://labos1point5.org/), and which meet certain echoes within the unit. At the same time, the actual existence of one group engaged in carbon footprint measurement within U1135-CIMI and another within CIMI leads to informal evocations.

An initial link between the two units and the CIM group led, in the fall of 2019, to the holding of an information meeting on the activities of the LOCEAN laboratory, a pioneer in measuring the carbon footprint. Concerning U1166, the objective of this meeting is to establish contacts with laboratories already organized and experienced in the identification and effective measurement of areas where the carbon footprint but also waste treatment are expected to be reduced as well as the involvement of the supervisory authorities sought.

An initial link between the two units and the CIMI group led, in the fall of 2019, to the holding of an information meeting on the activities of the LOCEAN laboratory, a pioneer in measuring the carbon footprint in lab activities. Concerning U1166, the objective of this meeting is to establish contacts with laboratories already organized and experienced in the identification and effective measurement of areas where the carbon footprint but also waste treatment are expected to be reduced as well as the involvement of the supervisory authorities sought.

SARS CoV 2 will complete the first meeting of our committee (i.e. the active members of ICanBeGreen) scheduled for March 25, 2020, barely a week after the first confinement begins. It is finally November 16, 2020 that we meet for a remote meeting and decide on different working groups: communication,

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